Python Html Parsing

Python Parsing libs. bs4, lxml, pyquery, html.parser

Task list: :smile:

  • 初稿
  • 再讀
  • 筆記
  • 完成


Python 中用來解析(Parsing) html, xml , XHTML 的工具 其他:XPATH


  1. bs4 (BeautifulSoup)
  2. lxml
  3. pyquery
  4. python 中內建的 html.parser


Installing Beautiful Soup

$ pip install beautifulsoup4

Installing a parser

  • html.parser
    • 內建,速度中,容錯強,中文容錯力差
  • html5lib
    • 速度慢,容錯最好,生成 html5 文件, 以 browser 方式解析文件
  • lxml
    • 速度快,容錯強,需要 c library
  • lxml-xml (xml)
    • 速度快,唯一支持 xml,需要 c library

parser 用法:(BeautifulSoup(markup, "htmlparser"))

Kinds of objects

bs4 中有4 種物件:

  • Tag : 標籤
    • - str
    • tag.attrs - dict
    • tag.get -
  • NavigablesString : Tag 內的 文字?
  • BeautifulSoup : 解析過的文件
  • Comment : XHTML 中的註解 <!--我是註解 -->

bs4 中 classclass_ ,避免跟原有的關鍵字衝突


  1. Nagigation the tree: 用 CSS selector,"p.strikeout.body")
  2. Searching the tree: find, find_all

Searching the Tree

Searching by CSS class

  • by id : results = soup.find(id=‘ResultsContainer’)
  • by class: job_elems = results.find_all(‘section’, class_=‘card-content’)
  • Extract Text From HTML Elements: title_elem.text
  • Find Elements by Class Name and Text Content: python_jobs = results.find_all(‘h2’, string=‘Python Developer’)
  • Pass a Function to a Beautiful Soup Method: python_jobs = results.find_all(‘h2’, string=lambda text: ‘python’ in text.lower())
  • Extract Attributes From HTML Elements: link = p_job.find(‘a’)[‘href’]


  1. 用Python爬取 Youtube 資訊 - 圖文課程
  2. RealPython: Beautiful Soup: Build a Web Scraper With Python


  1. bs4.doc
  2. lxml
  3. pyquery
  4. html.parser.doc
  5. jusText

layouts/partials/custom-footer.html Here